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[2022] [2021] [2020] [2019] [2018] [2017] [2016]
Faster and more accurate geometrical-optics optical force calculation using neural networks published in ACS Photonics December 19, 2022
Corneal endothelium assessment in specular microscopy images with Fuchs’ dystrophy via deep regression of signed distance maps published in Biomedical Optics Express December 17, 2022
Single-shot self-supervised object detection in microscopy published in Nature Communications December 5, 2022
Active matter in space published in npj Microgravity November 24, 2022
Tunable critical Casimir forces counteract Casimir-Lifshitz attraction published in Nature Physics November 7, 2022
Microplankton life histories revealed by holographic microscopy and deep learning published in eLife November 1, 2022
Sex differences in multilayer functional network topology over the course of aging in 37543 UK Biobank participants accepted on Network Neuroscience October 12, 2022
Multi-cohort and longitudinal Bayesian clustering study of stage and subtype in Alzheimer’s disease published in Nature Communications August 5, 2022
Unraveling Parkinson’s disease heterogeneity using subtypes based on multimodal data published in Parkinsonism and Related Disorders July 30, 2022
Dynamic live/apoptotic cell assay using phase-contrast imaging and deep learning on bioRxiv July 19, 2022
Neural Network Training with Highly Incomplete Datasets published in Machine Learning: Science and Technology July 6, 2022
Deep learning in light–matter interactions published in Nanophotonics June 14, 2022
Label-free nanofluidic scattering microscopy of size and mass of single diffusing molecules and nanoparticles published in Nature Methods May 30, 2022
Directed Brain Connectivity Identifies Widespread Functional Network Abnormalities in Parkinson’s Disease published in Cerebral Cortex February 1, 2022
Multiplex Connectome Changes across the Alzheimer’s Disease Spectrum Using Gray Matter and Amyloid Data published in Cerebral Cortex January 20, 2022
Comparison of Two-Dimensional- and Three-Dimensional-Based U-Net Architectures for Brain Tissue Classification in One-Dimensional Brain CT published in Frontiers of Computational Neuroscience January 10, 2022
Raman Tweezers for Tire and Road Wear Micro- and Nanoparticles Analysis published in Environmental Science: Nano November 9, 2021
Objective comparison of methods to decode anomalous diffusion published in Nature Communications October 29, 2021
Active droploids published in Nature Communications October 14, 2021
The environment topography alters the transition from single-cell populations to multicellular structures in Myxococcus xanthus published in Science Advances August 25, 2021
The Cognitive Connectome in Healthy Aging published in Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience August 18, 2021
Enhanced prediction of atrial fibrillation and mortality among patients with congenital heart disease using nationwide register-based medical hospital data and neural networks published in European Heart Journal – Digital Health August 17, 2021
Directed Brain Connectivity Identifies Widespread Functional Network Abnormalities in Parkinson’s Disease published in Cerebral Cortex July 30, 2021
Microscopic Metavehicles Powered and Steered by Embedded Optical Metasurfaces published in Nature Nanotechnology July 22, 2021
Extracting quantitative biological information from bright-field cell images using deep learning published in Biophysics Reviews July 20, 2021
Classification, inference and segmentation of anomalous diffusion with recurrent neural networks published in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical June 23, 2021
Dendritic spines are lost in clusters in patients with Alzheimer’s disease published in Scientific Report June 11, 2021
Improving epidemic testing and containment strategies using machine learning published in Machine Learning: Science and Technology May 12, 2021
Age-related differences in network structure and dynamic synchrony of cognitive control on biorXiv April 20, 2021
Non-equilibrium properties of an active nanoparticle in a harmonic potential published in Nature Commun. March 26, 2021
Optical Tweezers: A Comprehensive Tutorial from Calibration to Applications accepted on Advances in Optics and Photonics March 9, 2021
Quantitative Digital Microscopy with Deep Learning published in Applied Physics Reviews February 19, 2021
Optical trapping and critical Casimir forces published in EPJP February 15, 2021
Intercellular Communication Induces Glycolytic Synchronisation Waves published in PNAS February 9, 2021
Fast and Accurate Nanoparticle Characterization Using Deep-Learning-Enhanced Off-Axis Holography published in ACS Nano January 5, 2021
Enhanced force-field calibration via machine learning published in Applied Physics Reviews November 6, 2020
Diagnosis of a genetic disease improves with machine learning, a summary in Swedish published in Fysikaktuellt September 27, 2020
Feedback-controlled active brownian colloids with space-dependent rotational dynamics published in Nature Communications August 24, 2020
Machine learning reveals complex behaviours in optically trapped particles published in Machine Learning: Science and Technology August 12, 2020
Anisotropic dynamics of a self-assembled colloidal chain in an active bath published on Soft Matter June 10, 2020
Characterisation of Physical Processes from Anomalous Diffusion Data, special issue on Journal of Physics A May 7, 2020
Gain-Assisted Optomechanical Position Locking of Metal/Dielectric Nanoshells in Optical Potentials published on ACS Photonics April 19, 2020
Ordering of Binary Colloidal Crystals by Random Potentials published on Soft Matter April 6, 2020
AnDi: The Anomalous Diffusion Challenge on ArXiv March 26, 2020
Anisotropic dynamics of a self-assembled colloidal chain in an active bath on ArXiv February 25, 2020
Delayed correlations improve the reconstruction of the brain connectome published on PLoS ONE February 19, 2020
Machine learning for active matter published on Nature Machine Intelligence February 14, 2020
Virtual genetic diagnosis for familial hypercholesterolemia powered by machine learning published in European Journal of Preventive Cardiology February 4, 2020
Clustering of Janus Particles published in Soft Matter July 28, 2019
Anomalous Diffusion Measurement with Neural Networks published in Phys Rev E July 17, 2019
Influence of Sensorial Delay on Clustering and Swarming published in Phys. Rev. E July 15, 2019
Intracavity Optical Trapping published in Nature Commun. June 18, 2019
Subtypes of Brain Atrophy in Alzheimer’s Disease published in Front. Neurol. May 28, 2019
Digital Video Microscopy Enhanced by Deep Learning published in Optica April 15, 2019
Light-controlled assembly of active colloidal molecules published in the Journal of Chemical Physics March 7, 2019
Ordering of binary colloidal crystals by random potentials on ArXiv March 6, 2019
Controlling Colloidal Dynamics by Critical Casimir Forces published in Soft Matter March 3, 2019
Active Matter Influence on Coffee Rings published in Soft Matter February 21, 2019
FORMA – Enhanced Optical Tweezers Calibration published in Nature Commun. December 4, 2018
Phototactic Robot Tunable by Sensorial Delays published in Phys. Rev. E November 16, 2018
Stability of Brain Graph Measures published in Sci. Rep. August 2, 2018
Review on Optical Tweezers published in J. Quant. Spectrosc. Rad. Transf. July 18, 2018
Active Atoms and Interstitials published in Phys. Rev. Lett. June 29, 2018
Special Issue on Biophotonics published in Biomed. Opt. Express February 20, 2018
Microscopic Critical Engine published in Phys. Rev. Lett. February 1, 2018
Dynamic Deposition of Particles in Evaporating Droplets published in J. Phys. Chem. Lett. January 24, 2018
Altered Brain Network in Amyloid Pathology published in Neurobiol. Aging January 4, 2018
Metastable Clusters and Channels published in New J. Phys. November 21, 2017
Minimal Microscopic Heat Engine published in Phys. Rev. E November 6, 2017
Optimal Search Strategy in Complex Topography published in PNAS October 24, 2017
Abnormal Structural Brain Connectome in Preclinical Alzheimer published in Cerebral Cortex October 3, 2017
BRAPH published in Plos ONE August 1, 2017
2D-Nature of Active Brownian Motion at Interfaces published in New J. Phys. June 30, 2017
Langevin Equation on a Manifold published in Ann. Henri Poincaré February 2, 2017
Non-Boltzmann Distributions and Non-Equilibrium Relations in Active Baths published in Phys. Rev. E December 29, 2016
Review on Active Matter published in Rev. Mod. Phys. November 23, 2016
Stochastic Differential Delay Equations with Colored State-Dependent Noise published in Markov Processes and Related Fields September 1, 2016
Disrupted Network Topology in Alzheimer published in Cerebral Cortex August 1, 2016
Better Stability with Measurement Errors published in J. Stat. Phys. June 1, 2016
Nonadditivity of Critical Casimir Forces published in Nature Commun. April 21, 2016
Review on Multiplicative Noise published in Rep. Prog. Phys. April 18, 2016
Microscopic Crowd Control published in Nature Commun. March 9, 2016
The Small-mass Limit for Langevin Dynamics published in J. Stat. Phys. March 1, 2016
Engineering of Sensorial Delay published in Phys. Rev. X January 29, 2016
POLICRYPS to Generate Cylindrical Vector Beams published in Appl. Phys. Lett. November 16, 2015
Optical Control of Nanowire by Nanoaperture published in Opt. Lett. October 15, 2015
Aberrant Cerebral Topology in Early Parkinson published in Human Brain Mapp. August 6, 2015
Influence of Active Particles on Colloidal Clusters published in Soft Matter June 25, 2015
Smoluchowski-Kramers Limit of SDE published in Commun. Math. Phys. June 1, 2015
Guide to Building Optical Tweezers published in JOSA B April 23, 2015
OTGO published in JOSA B April 2, 2015
Longterm Influence of Fluid Inertia on Brownian Motion published in Phys. Rev. E October 20, 2014
Speckle Optical Tweezers published in Opt. Express July 18, 2014
Reply to Comment on Circular Microswimmers published in Phys. Rev. Lett. July 10, 2014
Simulation of Active Brownian Motion published in Am. J. Phys. July 1, 2014
Brownian Motion in a Speckle Light Field published in Sci. Rep. February 5, 2014
Review on Optical Trapping of Nanostructures published in Nature Nanotech. November 7, 2013
Stratonovich-to-Itô Transition published in Nature Commun. September 13, 2013
Sorting of Chiral Microswimmers published in Soft Matter May 31, 2013
Circular Microswimmers published in Phys. Rev. Lett. May 9, 2013
Simulation of a Particle in an Optical Trap published in Am. J. Phys. February 1, 2013
Thermophoresis Driven by Coloured Noise published in EPL October 1, 2012
Active Brownian Motion Tunable by Light published in J. Phys. Condens. Matter June 27, 2012
Noise-induced drift in SDEs published in J. Stat. Phys. January 12, 2012
Microswimmers in Patterned Environments published in Soft Matter August 23, 2011
Reply to Comment on Influence of Noise on Force Measurements published in Phys. Rev. Lett. August 9, 2011
Comparison Between Force Measurement Methods published in Phys. Rev. E April 15, 2011
Work Done by Rotational Force Fields published in J. Opt. March 4, 2011
Fractal Plasmonics published in Opt. Express February 9, 2011
Enhanced TIRM published in Opt. Express December 16, 2009
Non-conservative Forces in Optical Traps published in EPL May 13, 2009
Cost of Thermal Noise Suppression published in J. Phys. A. February 4, 2009
Mie Scattering Distinguishing OAM published in New J. Phys. January 26, 2009
Enhanced Detection Range for PFM published in Rev. Sci. Instrumen. October 1, 2008
Stochastic Resonant Damping published in Phys. Rev. E May 9, 2008
Surface Plasmon Optical Tweezers published in Phys. Rev. Lett. May 6, 2008
Singular Point Characterization in Microscopic Flows published in Phys. Rev. E March 11, 2008
Torque Detection using Brownian Fluctuations published in Phys. Rev. Lett. November 22, 2006
Surface Plasmon Radiation Forces published in Phys. Rev. Lett. June 13, 2006
Dynamics of a Growing Cell in an Optical Trap published in Appl. Phys. Lett. June 1, 2006
Monitoring Yeast Cell Growth Using Raman published in J. Raman Spectrosc. March 3, 2006