Fractal plasmonics: Subdiffraction focusing and broadband spectral response by a Sierpisky nanocarpet
Giorgio Volpe, Giovanni Volpe & Romain Quidant
Optics Express 19(4), 3612—3618 (2011)
DOI: 10.1364/OE.19.003612
Plasmonic nanostructures offer a great potential to enhance light-matter interaction at the nanometer scale. The response upon illumination at a given wavelength and polarization is governed by the characteristic lengths associated to the shape and size of the nanostructure. Here, we propose the use of engineered fractal plasmonic structures to extend the degrees of freedom and the parameters available for their design. In particular, we focus on a paradigmatic fractal geometry, namely the Sierpinski carpet. We explore the possibility of using it to achieve a controlled broadband spectral response by controlling the degree of its fractal complexity. Furthermore, we investigate some other arising properties, such as subdiffraction limited focusing and its potential use for optical trapping of nano-objects. An attractive advantage of the focusing over more standard geometries, such as gap antennas, is that it occurs away from the metal surface (≈ 80nm) at the center of the nanostructure, leaving an open space accessible to objects for enhanced light-matter interaction.