Anoop C. Patil

Position: Senior Fellow, Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research & Technology (SMART), Singapore.

Ph.D. Degree: National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore; Electrical & Computer Engineering.

Master’s Degree: National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK), India; Electronics and Computer Engineering.

Hi, my current research work focuses on computational analysis for precision agriculture at Disruptive & Sustainable Technologies for Agricultural Precision (DiSTAP), SMART, Singapore. As a part of this work, I’m working on the BRAPH-2 platform for spectral analysis applications at DiSTAP, SMART, and Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory (TLL), Singapore. As a Ph.D. Co-Advisor, I’m supervising a Ph.D. project on sensing VOCs from edible products using functionalized micro-sensors, in collaboration with the Dept. of ECE, National University of Singapore (NUS). During my Ph.D. at NUS, I developed the non-transient silk flex technology for implantable bioelectronic interfacing.

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