Anqi Lyu joins the Soft Matter Lab

Anqi Lyu starts her PhD at the Physics Department of the University of Gothenburg on 8 January 2025.

Anqi has a Master degree in Medical Bioinformatics from University of Verona, Italy.

In her PhD, she will focus on delineating how plasma factors globally influence endothelial cells, with emphasis on their roles in health, ageing and disease, by utilizing computational tools in combination with interdisciplinary approaches.

Sreekanth K. Manikandan joins the Soft Matter Lab

(Photo by A. Ciarlo.)
Sreekanth K. Manikandan began working as a researcher at the Physics Department of the University of Gothenburg on December 9, 2024.

He received his Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics in 2020 from Stockholm University under the supervision of Supriya Krishnamurthy. His thesis, titled “Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics at the Microscopic Scales,” focused on finite and short-time fluctuations in non-equilibrium systems, as opposed to the large-time asymptotic properties studied within the framework of large deviation theory. One of the key outcomes of his Ph.D. research was the development of a method to infer entropy production rates directly from experimentally accessible trajectories in a model-independent manner.

Following his PhD, Sreekanth received the NORDITA postdoctoral fellowship for independent research. During this time, he expanded on his earlier work by developing generalizations of the inference scheme for entropy production and integrating it with machine-learning tools for practical inference of dissipative forces and entropy production from experimental data. Later, in 2022, he was awarded the Wallenberg Scholarship for postdoctoral research at Stanford, where he developed machine-learning-based non-equilibrium control techniques for targeted self-assembly and transport of biomolecular systems.

Currently he is interested in combining methods from Non-equilibrium Physics and Machine Learning to quantitatively characterize and control nanoscale biophysical processes.

Aarón Domenzain joins the Soft Matter Lab

(Photo by A. Ciarlo.)
Aarón Domenzain starts his PhD at the Physics Department of the University of Gothenburg on 2 September 2024.

Aarón has a Master degree in Nanotechnology from Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg.

In his PhD, he will focus on optical tweezers and applications.

Erik Olsén joins the Soft Matter Lab

(Photo by A. Ciarlo.)
Erik Olsén started his postdoc at the Physics Department of the University of Gothenburg on 26th August 2024. His research is funded by a Swedish research council internation postdoc fellowship with grant nr 2024-00439.

Erik received a PhD degree 2023 in physics from Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. In his thesis he focused on optical particle characterisation of nanoparticles and submicron particles, with an emphasis on label-free characterisation methods.

The Soft Matter Lab will administrate the postdoc grant while Erik will be in the lab of Sabrina Leslie at University of British Columbia (UBC). At UBC, Erik will combine different image modalities with confined lens induced confinement (CLiC) to characterise different types of biological nanoparticles.

Flavia Theisel Bravo joins the Soft Matter Lab

(Photo by A. Ciarlo.)
Flavia Theisel Bravo starts her DAAD-RISE internship at the Physics Department of the University of Gothenburg on 26 August 2024.

Flavia is an masters student at the department of physics, TU Dresden, Germany.

In her internship, she will focus on the simulation of intracavity optical trapping.

Her internship will last until 18 October 2024.

Jason Lewis joins the Soft Matter Lab

(Photo by A. Ciarlo.)
Jason Lewis started to work as a researcher at the Physics Department of the University of Gothenburg on 1st June 2024.

Jason received his Ph.D. degree in Complexity Science from the University of Warwick, UK, with a thesis titled “Topological models of swarming”, which studied the dynamics of bird flocks, specifically under topological constraints, via theory and numerical simulation.

After his PhD, he undertook a postdoc in the group of Joakim Stenhammar at Lund University, Sweden, where he investigated chemotaxis and the collective behaviour of microswimmers, known as active turbulence, in addition to other projects at the interface of machine learning and active matter.

His research focuses on the theory and simulation of active matter systems at all scales, specifically on modelling the structure and dynamics of self-organising groups of motile robots.

Kunli Xiong appointed at Uppsala University

(Photo by A. Argun.)
Kunli Xiong has been appointed as an assistant professor at Uppsala University, Department of Material Science and Engineering. Congrats!

He will start his new appointment on May 6th 2024. His research will focus on nanooptics technology for electronic paper, optical neural networks, and intelligent microparticles.