Poster by M. Granfors at the Learning on graphs and geometry meetup in Uppsala, 11 February 2025

GAUDI leverages a hierarchical graph-convolutional variational autoencoder architecture, where an encoder progressively compresses the graph into a low-dimensional latent space, and a decoder reconstructs the graph from the latent embedding. (Image by M. Granfors and J. Pineda.)
Global graph features unveiled by unsupervised geometric deep learning
Mirja Granfors, Jesús Pineda, Blanca Zufiria Gerbolés, Daniel Vereb, Joana B. Pereira, Carlo Manzo, and Giovanni Volpe
Learning on graphs and geometry meetup at Uppsala University
Date: 11 February 2025
Place: Uppsala university

Graphs are used to model complex relationships, such as interactions between particles or connections between brain regions. The structural complexity and variability of graphs pose challenges to their efficient analysis and classification. Here, we propose GAUDI (Graph Autoencoder Uncovering Descriptive Information), a graph autoencoder that addresses these challenges. GAUDI’s encoder progressively reduces the size of the graph using multi-step hierarchical pooling, while its decoder incrementally increases the graph size until the original dimensions are restored, focusing on the node and edge features while preserving the graph structure through skip-connections. By training GAUDI to minimize the difference between the node and edge features of the input graph and those of the output graph, it is compelled to capture the most critical parameters describing these features in the latent space, thereby enabling the extraction of essential parameters characterizing the graphs. We demonstrate the performance of GAUDI across diverse graph data originating from complex systems, including the estimation of the parameters of Watts-Strogatz graphs, the classification of protein assembly structures from single-molecule localization microscopy data, the analysis of collective behaviors, and correlations between brain connections and age. This approach offers a robust framework for efficiently analyzing and interpreting complex graph data, facilitating the extraction of meaningful patterns and insights across a wide range of applications.

Mirja Granfors won best early career researcher poster award at ETAI 2024, San Diego

Mirja Granfors with the Best Poster Award at SPIE conference in San Diego. (Photo by G. Volpe.)
Mirja Granfors won the best early career researcher poster award at Emerging Topics in Artificial Intelligence (ETAI) 2024 held in San Diego, from 18 to 24 August 2024. The award, consisting of a certificate and a cash prize, is offered by the organizers of the conference, and SPIE Optics + Photonics, and is sponsored by G-Research.

In this poster, Mirja presented her recent work on the development of a graph autoencoder. This graph autoencoder effectively summarizes graph structures while preserving important topological details through multiple hierarchical pooling steps. This enables the extraction of physical parameters describing the graphs. She demonstrated the performance of the graph autoencoder across diverse graph data originating from complicated systems, including the classification of protein assembly structures from single-molecule localization microscopy data, as well as the analysis of collective behavior and correlations between brain connections and age.

Best Poster Award (Image by M. Granfors.)
Mirja @ Poster Pops Presentation (Photo by A. Callegari.)
Mirja @ Poster Pops Presentation (Photo by A. Callegari.)
ETAI Best Poster and Best Presentation Award Ceremony @ SPIE-ETAI. People (left to right): Joana B. Pereira (conference chair), Patrick Grant, Yuzhu Li, Mirja Granfors, Diptabrata Paul. (Photo by G. Volpe.)

Poster by M. Granfors at SPIE-ETAI, San Diego, 19 August 2024

GAUDI’s latent space representation of Watts–Strogatz Small-World Graphs. (Image by M. Granfors.)
Global graph features unveiled by unsupervised geometric deep learning
Mirja Granfors, Jesús Pineda, Blanca Zufiria Gerbolés, Jiawei Sun, Joana B. Pereira, Carlo Manzo, and Giovanni Volpe
Date: 19 August 2024
Time: 17:30-19:00 (PDT)

Graphs are used to model complex relationships in various domains, such as interacting particles or neural connections within a brain. Efficient analysis and classification of graphs pose significant challenges due to their inherent structural complexity and variability. Here, an approach is presented to address these challenges through the development of the graph autoencoder GAUDI. GAUDI effectively summarizes graph structures while preserving important topological details through multiple hierarchical pooling steps. This enables the extraction of physical parameters describing the graphs. We demonstrate the performance of GAUDI across diverse graph data originating from complicated systems, including the classification of protein assembly structures from single-molecule localization microscopy data, as well as the analysis of collective behavior and correlations between brain connections and age. This approach holds great promise for examining diverse systems, enhancing our comprehension of various forms of graph data.

Soft Matter Lab members present at SPIE Optics+Photonics conference in San Diego, 18-22 August 2024

The Soft Matter Lab participates to the SPIE Optics+Photonics conference in San Diego, CA, USA, 18-22 August 2024, with the presentations listed below.

Giovanni Volpe is also panelist in the panel discussion:

  • Towards the Utilization of AI
    21 August 2024 • 3:45 PM – 4:45 PM PDT | Conv. Ctr. Room 2

Mirja Granfors won best early-career researcher presentation award at AIM 2024, La Ràpita, Spain

Committee and winners for the IOP award at AIM24. From left to right: Susan Cox, Wylie Ahmed, Celia Rowland (IOP), Harshith Bachimanchi, Blanca Zufiria Gerboles, Mirja Granfors, Carlotta Viana, Gajendra Pratap Singh, Giorgio Volpe. (Photo by G. Volpe)
Mirja Granfors won the best early career researcher presentation award at AIM 2024 meeting (Artificial Intelligence for iMaging 2024) held in La Ràpita, Spain, from 26 May – 1 June 2024.

The award, consisting of a certificate, and a cash prize of 250 €, is sponsored by Nanophotonics.

Mirja was awarded the prize for her presentation titled “Global graph features unveiled by unsupervised geometric deep learning”. In her presentation, she introduced a novel graph autoencoder designed to capture complex relationships modelled by graphs. She demonstrated the performance of the network across a spectrum of datasets, including the classification of protein assembly structures from single-molecule localization microscopy data, as well as the analysis of collective behavior and correlations between brain connections and age.

Award Certificate. (Image by M. Granfors)



Mirja presents at AIM24 Conference. (Photo by N. C. Palmero Crúz)

Mirja Granfors joins as PhD student the Soft Matter Lab

(Photo by A. Argun.)
Mirja Granfors starts her PhD at the Physics Department at the University of Gothenburg on 1st September 2023.

Mirja has a Master degree in Physics from the University of Gothenburg.

In her PhD, Mirja will focus on graph neural networks and deep learning.

Mirja Granfors defended her Master thesis on June 8, 2023. Congrats!

The plot shows the latent space of the graph autoencoder. Each point represents a graph, and is coloured based on a structural parameter of the graph. (Image by M. Granfors.)
Mirja Granfors defended her Master thesis in physics at the University of Gothenburg on June 8 2023. Congrats!

Title: Enhancing Graph Analysis and Compression with Multihead Attention and Graph-Pooling Autoencoders

Graphs are used to model complex relationships in various domains. Analyzing and classifying graphs efficiently poses significant challenges due to their inherent structural complexity. This thesis presents two distinct projects aimed at enhancing graph analysis and compression through novel and innovative techniques. In the first project, a multihead attention module for node features is developed, enabling effective prediction of graph edges for connection in time. By applying attention mechanisms, the module selectively focuses on relevant features, facilitating accurate edge predictions. This approach expands the potential applications of graph analysis by improving the understanding of graph connectivity and identifying critical relationships between nodes. The second project introduces a novel graph autoencoder with multiple steps of size reduction by graph-pooling. Unlike traditional graph autoencoders, which commonly employ graph convolutional networks, this approach utilizes several poolings to capture diverse structural information and compress the graph representation. The pooling-based autoencoder not only achieves efficient graph compression but also captures the structural information of the graph. This enables the classification of graphs based on their structure, providing a valuable tool for tasks such as graph categorization.

Supervisor: Jesús Pineda
Examiner: Giovanni Volpe
Opponent: Gideon Jägenstedt

Place: PJ-Salen
Time: 8 June, 2023, 10:00