Experimental Study of Critical Fluctuations and Critical Casimir Forces
Giovanni Volpe
729. WE-Heraeus Stiftung Seminar on Fluctuation-induced Forces
14 February 2022, 16:35 CET
Critical Casimir forces (CCF) are a powerful tool to control the self-assembly and complex behavior of microscopic and nanoscopic colloids. While CCF were theoretically predicted in 1978 [1], their first direct experimental evidence was provided only in 2008, using total internal reflection microscopy (TIRM) [2]. Since then, these forces have been investigated under various conditions, for example, by varying the properties of the involved surfaces or with moving boundaries. In addition, a number of studies of the phase behavior of colloidal dispersions in a critical mixture indicate critical Casimir forces as candidates for tuning the self-assembly of nanostructures and quantum dots, while analogous fluctuation-induced effects have been investigated, for example, at the percolation transition of a chemical sol, in the presence of temperature gradients, and even in granular fluids and active matter. In this presentation, I’ll give an overview of this field with a focus on recent results on the measurement of many-body forces in critical Casimir forces [3], the realization of micro- and nanoscopic engines powered by critical fluctuations [4, 5], and the creation of light-controllable colloidal molecules [6] and active droploids [7].
[1] ME Fisher and PG de Gennes. Phenomena at the walls in a critical binary mixture. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris B 287, 207 (1978).
[2] C Hertlein, L Helden, A Gambassi, S Dietrich and C Bechinger. Direct measurement of critical Casimir forces. Nature 451, 172 (2008).
[3] S Paladugu, A Callegari, Y Tuna, L Barth, S Dietrich, A Gambassi and G Volpe. Nonadditivity of critical Casimir forces. Nat. Commun. 7, 11403 (2016).
[4] F Schmidt, A Magazzù, A Callegari, L Biancofiore, F Cichos and G Volpe. Microscopic engine powered by critical demixing. Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 068004 (2018).
[5] F Schmidt, H Šípová-Jungová, M Käll, A Würger and G Volpe. Non-equilibrium properties of an active nanoparticle in a harmonic potential. Nat. Commun. 12, 1902 (2021).
[6] F Schmidt, B Liebchen, H Löwen and G Volpe. Light-controlled assembly of active colloidal molecules. J. Chem. Phys. 150, 094905 (2019).
[7] J Grauer, F Schmidt, J Pineda, B Midtvedt, H Löwen, G Volpe and B Liebchen. Active droploids. Nat. Commun. 12, 6005 (2021).