The presentation, “Quantitative Analysis of Nanoparticle Properties Using Optical Scattering Techniques,” was held in a hybrid format, with part of the audience in the Nexus room and the rest connected through Zoom. The half-time consisted of a presentation about her past and planned projects, followed by a discussion and questions proposed by her opponent, Dr. Hana Jungová.
The presentation started with a short background introduction to optical scattering techniques and nanoparticle characterization techniques, followed by an introduction and description of the first paper, “Dual-Angle Interferometric Scattering Microscopy for Optical Multiparametric Particle Characterization,” and, in the end, a brief description of the projects in which Berenice is involved.
In the last section, she outlined the proposed continuation of her PhD: quantification and characterization of biomolecular condensates and their evolution over time, monitoring lipid droplets during long timescales inside living cells, and parametrization for core-shell particles.