Mirja Granfors won best early career researcher poster award at ETAI 2024, San Diego
Mirja Granfors with the Best Poster Award at SPIE conference in San Diego. (Photo by G. Volpe.)Mirja Granfors won the best early career researcher poster award at Emerging Topics in Artificial Intelligence (ETAI) 2024 held in San Diego, from 18 to 24 August 2024. The award, consisting of a certificate and a cash prize, is offered by the organizers of the conference, and SPIE Optics + Photonics, and is sponsored by G-Research.
In this poster, Mirja presented her recent work on the development of a graph autoencoder. This graph autoencoder effectively summarizes graph structures while preserving important topological details through multiple hierarchical pooling steps. This enables the extraction of physical parameters describing the graphs. She demonstrated the performance of the graph autoencoder across diverse graph data originating from complicated systems, including the classification of protein assembly structures from single-molecule localization microscopy data, as well as the analysis of collective behavior and correlations between brain connections and age.
Best Poster Award (Image by M. Granfors.)Mirja @ Poster Pops Presentation (Photo by A. Callegari.)Mirja @ Poster Pops Presentation (Photo by A. Callegari.)ETAI Best Poster and Best Presentation Award Ceremony @ SPIE-ETAI. People (left to right): Joana B. Pereira (conference chair), Patrick Grant, Yuzhu Li, Mirja Granfors, Diptabrata Paul. (Photo by G. Volpe.)