Invited Talk by G. Volpe at 729. WE Heraeus Seminar on Fluctuation Induced Forces, Online, 14 February 2022

Sketch of the experimental setup for the measurement of nonadditivity of critical Casimir forces. (Image by S. Paladugu.)
Experimental Study of Critical Fluctuations and Critical Casimir Forces
Giovanni Volpe
729. WE-Heraeus Stiftung Seminar on Fluctuation-induced Forces
14 February 2022, 16:35 CET

Critical Casimir forces (CCF) are a powerful tool to control the self-assembly and complex behavior of microscopic and nanoscopic colloids. While CCF were theoretically predicted in 1978 [1], their first direct experimental evidence was provided only in 2008, using total internal reflection microscopy (TIRM) [2]. Since then, these forces have been investigated under various conditions, for example, by varying the properties of the involved surfaces or with moving boundaries. In addition, a number of studies of the phase behavior of colloidal dispersions in a critical mixture indicate critical Casimir forces as candidates for tuning the self-assembly of nanostructures and quantum dots, while analogous fluctuation-induced effects have been investigated, for example, at the percolation transition of a chemical sol, in the presence of temperature gradients, and even in granular fluids and active matter. In this presentation, I’ll give an overview of this field with a focus on recent results on the measurement of many-body forces in critical Casimir forces [3], the realization of micro- and nanoscopic engines powered by critical fluctuations [4, 5], and the creation of light-controllable colloidal molecules [6] and active droploids [7].


[1] ME Fisher and PG de Gennes. Phenomena at the walls in a critical binary mixture. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris B 287, 207 (1978).
[2] C Hertlein, L Helden, A Gambassi, S Dietrich and C Bechinger. Direct measurement of critical Casimir forces. Nature 451, 172 (2008).
[3] S Paladugu, A Callegari, Y Tuna, L Barth, S Dietrich, A Gambassi and G Volpe. Nonadditivity of critical Casimir forces. Nat. Commun. 7, 11403 (2016).
[4] F Schmidt, A Magazzù, A Callegari, L Biancofiore, F Cichos and G Volpe. Microscopic engine powered by critical demixing. Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 068004 (2018).
[5] F Schmidt, H Šípová-Jungová, M Käll, A Würger and G Volpe. Non-equilibrium properties of an active nanoparticle in a harmonic potential. Nat. Commun. 12, 1902 (2021).
[6] F Schmidt, B Liebchen, H Löwen and G Volpe. Light-controlled assembly of active colloidal molecules. J. Chem. Phys. 150, 094905 (2019).
[7] J Grauer, F Schmidt, J Pineda, B Midtvedt, H Löwen, G Volpe and B Liebchen. Active droploids. Nat. Commun. 12, 6005 (2021).

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