Influence of Sensorial Delay on Clustering and Swarming
Rafal Piwowarczyk, Martin Selin, Thomas Ihle & Giovanni Volpe
Physical Review E 100(1), 012607 (2019)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.100.012607
arXiv: 1803.06026
We show that sensorial delay alters the collective motion of self-propelling agents with aligning interactions: In a two-dimensional Vicsek model, short delays enhance the emergence of clusters and swarms, while long or negative delays prevent their formation. In order to quantify this phenomenon, we introduce a global clustering parameter based on the Voronoi tessellation, which permits us to efficiently measure the formation of clusters. Thanks to its simplicity, sensorial delay might already play a role in the organization of living organisms and can provide a powerful tool to engineer and dynamically tune the behavior of large ensembles of autonomous robots.
Dear sir or modem,
I’m Rasoul Kajouri, master student in Physics science at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences(IASBS).
I’ve read the article about your new research which is entitled “Influence of Sensorial Delay on Clustering and Swarming” and I want to report it in our journal club the day after tomorrow.
I searched and did not find the videos for your article. Please, if it is possible for you, send those videos to me.
Sincerely yours,
Yes, the videos are not published yet.
I’ll send them to you by email.